Common Health Concerns That Complicate Senior Care
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5 Common Health Concerns That Complicate Senior Care

While our goal is always to keep ourselves in good or excellent health, that goal becomes particularly important once we reach age 65 and older. This is the age when health concerns become more pronounced and potentially life-threatening, and the window for identifying such issues becomes smaller. For this reason, providing good senior care to your loved one can prove difficult. As people age, they become increasingly at-risk of developing heart conditions, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and gaining weight. For seniors and caregivers alike, it’s important to stay aware of the major health concerns affecting the elderly, so you know what to guard against.


According to the Arthritis Society, about 20% of Canadians 15-years-old or older have Arthritis and nearly 1 in 2 seniors over 65 are affected by it. If your loved one does develop arthritis, it’s important to consult with your doctor and create an individualized activity plan. This can help combat the symptoms of arthritis, ease its negative effects, and maintain the long-term health of your loved one.


There are over 747,000 Canadians living with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia.

Though it can often be difficult to diagnose with certainty, more than 400,000 people over 65 have some form of Alzheimer’s.

Seniors living with this condition are at particular risk for day-to-day safety issues, and depending on the degree of severity, often require a heightened level of care. Whether it’s forgetting to turn off the stove before leaving the house, getting behind the wheel when it’s not safe to do so, or wandering away from home, seniors with Alzheimer’s can be a danger to themselves and others.

The professionals at Senior Helpers are specially trained to provide senior care to those with Alzheimer’s, and will create a customized care plan to ensure your loved one is both safe and comfortable.

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the second leading cause of death in Canada. As people get older, they develop risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, both of which increase your chances of heart disease.

To prevent your loved one from falling victim to this common condition, make sure they get regular rest, eat a healthy, balanced diet, and exercise as much as they are able.

Keeping a close eye on their weight is also extremely important, as excessive weight-gain can be a precursor to heart disease.


Over 19 percent of people 65 and older are living with diabetes. The best way to combat diabetes, and prevent it from occurring in the first place, it with regular blood tests to measure sugar levels.

Once you determine if your loved one is at risk for diabetes, you can start making dietary changes to reduce their chances of developing the condition.


While it might sound minor compared to other, more serious diseases, falling is the most common cause of injury among older Canadians. Estimates show 1 in 3 seniors 65 years of age or older are likely to fall at least once with over a third placed who are hospitalized because of it are placed into long-term care.

As a caregiver, it’s important to make sure your loved one’s home is accessible and safe. Make sure floors are dry, banisters are installed along stairwells, and loose rugs are removed.

If your loved one is afflicted with one of these conditions, or you’re ready to take preventative measures, contact Senior Helpers about professional, in-home senior care.