Sun Prevention Tips for Seniors
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Sun Prevention Tips for Seniors

It’s summertime! The UV rays are strong and the weather is hot!

It is important to take precautionary measures to protect your skin from the sun. Exposure to the sun can lead to sunburn, skin aging, eye damage, and cancer. Considering everyone can be affected by the sun, Senior Helpers is here to remind you of measures you can take to stay safe from it.

To start, there are no safe UV rays and the strength of the rays reaching the ground depends on numerous factors. Some of these factors are the time of day, the reflection of rays off surfaces, cloud coverage, the season of the year, altitude, and distance from the equator. The longer your skin is exposed to the sun, the more damage there will be. A pattern of exposure can be more damaging; if you have a history of frequent sunburns, your skin might be more susceptible to damage and certain types of skin cancer.

How to protect yourself

Wear sunscreen every day! Most people think it is okay to only apply sun protection when they go to the beach or spend time outside on a hot day. Sun exposure can occur at anytime and anywhere. Make applying sunscreen a part of your daily skin routine. It is vital to protect your skin and limit your exposure to UV rays. The best way to protect yourself is to stay in the shade as much as possible. Try to avoid being outside for long periods especially when the UV light is strongest. Sun damage can still happen on cloudy or hazy days, so make sure you check the weather every day to gauge what you will be exposed to.

When it is time to spend time outdoors, do all that you can to protect your skin. Wear clothes to protect as much skin as possible. Even if this means just putting a shirt on with a bathing suit, you can do a lot of good for yourself. Make sure to have a hat on and to wear sunglasses when needed. You want to protect your eyes and the skin around them.

Finally, apply sunscreen every day and more frequently on the days spent outdoors. Always read the labels of the sunscreen as they vary in SPF, coverage, and expiration dates. There is broad-spectrum sunscreen, water-resistant sunscreen, and more specific area coverage sunscreen. Read the label directions and apply correctly. Sunscreen is not the end all be all for sun protection, but it does do a lot when worn properly and consistently.

Senior Helpers offers personal care services to help your loved one with any personal tasks they may need taken care of - during the summer or year-round! With Senior Helpers, your loved ones can feel confident, stay protected, and get the care they need.